Some pregnant women may also have intestinal problems during pregnancy and have problems like constipation, stomach ache, swelling in the intestines. In such a situation, women should consume fiber rich food and stay hydrated.

Acidity is one of the most common problems during pregnancy. Especially in the first and last trimester of pregnancy, the problem of acidity is very common. To avoid this, avoid spicy and greasy food, eat dinner early at night and take a walk for half an hour to 45 minutes before sleeping.

Due to increased belly and weight, women usually suffer a lot of back pain during pregnancy. To avoid this, you should sit in correct posture, stand slowly and use a supportive pillow, so that you can avoid back pain.

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the problem of urination becomes more severe due to pressure on the bladder. In such a situation, do not reduce your water intake, rather drink 3 to 5 liters of water throughout the day, but reduce the intake of tea, coffee and sugary drinks in the evening.

Many times women’s feet swell due to increased weight during pregnancy. Especially in the third trimester, the problem of swelling is highest, in such a situation, keep a pillow under your feet and drink maximum amount of water, this can reduce the problem of swelling to a great extent.

Mood swings are the most common problem during pregnancy, sometimes there is a sudden feeling of happiness, and sometimes the mind starts feeling sad. In such a situation, do deep breathing exercises during pregnancy, and also share your mental and personal emotions with your family members. Don’t hide anything from your doctor
Published at : 15 May 2024 03:34 PM (IST)